My New Year’s Resolution: Go to Hell. Heal the Country.
In time of such derision, perhaps it would be advantageous to us all if we measure the lengths we would go— in this life or the next— for one another. Can we all aspire to something greater than their own narrow self-interest and love our neighbor?
Read More at: https://spokanefavs.com/my-new-years-resolution-go-to-hell-heal-the-country/
Searching for Faith? Now there’s an app for that
Instead of Googling for houses of worship, or even looking through a phonebook, why not download an app that provides you with not only the listing information for Spaces but also allows you to interact with these Spaces in real time? This approach goes beyond just information and gives any Seeker the chance to find what they’re really searching for: is this the place for me?
Read More at: http://www.stateofformation.org/2019/06/looking-for-faith-now-theres-an-app-for-that/
Speaking Out and Safety
The bottom line is, as much as people sometimes dismiss it as “free-spirit” or “kumbaya,” interfaith work is difficult. And if we are truly going to move our world closer to justice, freedom and respect for all in a way that is rooted in truth and change, there will inevitably be those who don’t agree, those who will resist progress, and those who sow discord. There will also be those who choose to use violence against those who speak out.
Read More at: http://www.stateofformation.org/2019/06/speaking-out-and-safety/
#WhyWeWork: The Journey of Work
Successful people are the ones that are willing to put in the work to do the difficult and unpleasant things. Successful people do these things willingly because the work needs to be done and they see that discipline and fortitude are skills speak not only to their work but to their integrity. This type of tough work prepares you for life and when things don’t go the way they should. It’s good practice. Washing dishes or mopping floors have been some of the most rewarding experiences where I learned about the value of feeling like you accomplished something and the satisfaction of earning your keep.
Read More at: https://skils-kin.org/skyler-oberst-the-journey-of-work/
Dear President Trump, I’d like to Wash Your Feet
To be honest, Mr. President, this is where I struggle the most as a Christian. I fall short everyday to love all of my neighbors. I have have not loved you as I was commanded to do.For me, the act of washing another’s hands and feet is a way to right the wrongs we have committed and begin anew. It is one of the most solemn and holy acts a Christian can do. In an ultimate act of humility, the night before his crucifixion, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. He commanded them to “love one another as I have loved you.” (From State of Formation)
Read More at: https://www.stateofformation.org/2019/04/dear-president-trump-id-like-to-wash-your-feet/
Jaffa and Old City Walls: Technology as a Gate to Interfaith Encounter
Technology at its best can play into the solution of bringing people together. We have seen that people eagerly seek information about their neighbors online in an effort to know them better. This earnest search to know one another is present both at the heart of the interfaith movement and evangelicalism, which has been explained briefly as “loving God and loving people.” (From State of Formation)
Read More at: https://www.stateofformation.org/2019/04/jaffa-and-old-city-walls-technology-as-a-gate-to-interfaith-encounter/
Please [Don’t] Silence Your Smartphones: Why Faith and Technology Complement Each Other
The truth is that technology is changing the way we live. How we worship or understand faith is no exception.
And, contrary to the lamentations out there, it’s a good thing. (From State of Formation)
Read More at: https://www.stateofformation.org/2019/01/please-dont-silence-your-smartphones-why-faith-and-technology-complement-each-other/
Want to Change the World in 2019? Set Down Your Tamborine.
We recognize that climate change is a serious issue that needs addressing, and we also know that as people of conscience we have an obligation to act. But if the only tools we are handed by some leaders is the acoustic guitar and tambourine, then we have serious concerns about this approach. (From Spokane FAVS)
Read More at: https://spokanefavs.com/want-to-change-the-world-in-2019-set-down-your-tamborine/
The Party
The day after the election, how can we move forward together? I have begun to apply these interfaith principles to politics. I often quip that with a background in finding common ground with religious groups, maybe I can help bridge the divide between Democrats and Republicans. (From Inter)
Read More at: http://inter.ifyc.org/the-party
Who is Responsible for Religious Literacy Education?
Skyler Oberst and Benjamin Marcus recently completed the 2015-2016 Germanacos Fellowship. Skyler created a “Meet the Neighbor” video series in Spokane, WA to teach members of his community how have meaningful interfaith encounters and Ben collaborated with public school teachers in the suburbs of Chicago, IL to create lesson plans about religion for teachers in history, social studies, and literature classrooms. (From Patheos)
Read More at: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/religionnow/2016/09/whos-responsible-for-religious-literacy-education/
How to Combat Hate as an Ally
These best practices have served me in the past, and while I pray that we needn’t have the chance to use them, I stand ready in knowing that my community will be ready if we are ever called to serve. A good ally and advocate recognizes that those who are oppressed and those who wish to end oppression need attention. A good ally acts with a servant’s heart, doing anything to make their neighbor feel loved and appreciated. And a good ally is sensitive to both the needs of the community, and stands arm in arm with all involved. (From Huffington Post)
Read More at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-to-combat-hate-as-an-ally_us_579a6df4e4b004301c508e8b
Does the Millennial Generation Have Values Fundamentally Different from Its Predecessors?
The world is becoming increasingly more close-knit, in part due to our economics and technology, and this has affected every part of our modern society, and especially how we view our values and the values of others. For young people like myself, we live on the verge of a paradigm shift, which I believe will shape how we deal with values and how we will come to know ourselves.
Read More at: https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/responses/r-skyler-oberst-eastern-washington-university-on-the-millennial-generation
Want to Stand Against Hate in Your Town? Meet Your Neighbors
By offering an insightful and respectful experience to the viewer on how to visit houses of worship in Spokane, we can begin to create meaningful relationships between neighbors. This just isn’t an imperative for people of faith, but for all Americans. If we don’t actively try to meet ALL our neighbors, then we aren’t building community and living up to our values (From Huffington Post)
Read More at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/want-to-stand-against-hat_b_8839278?ec_carp=1704724914375047131
Interfaith Work Needed in Congress
After a year of visits in coffee shops and walks through our beloved Riverfront Park, I had a meeting last month with someone I didn’t expect. I found myself in a windowless room with 12 male pastors and my Congresswoman, Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-WA). “There are more people in your district than just evangelicals, and I know you’re committed to every one of them,” I told her. She agreed. (From Huffington Post)
Read More at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/interfaith-work-needed-in_b_8265234?ec_carp=9029336823300051850
AK Mozumdar & Accepting Minorities in Spokane
It seemed like any other hot day on June 30, 1913 in Spokane. But at the U.S. Customs House and Post Office downtown, one man made history by meekly approaching the magistrate when his name was called and placed one hand on the Bible and the other in the air. Finishing the Oath of Allegiance with “so help me God” you can almost imagine the tears of joy on his face. He was A.K. Mozumdar, the first East Indian to fulfill a dream: to become an American citizen. (From Spokane FAVS)
Read More at: https://spokanefavs.com/acceptance-of-minority-groups-in-spokane/
What’s Missing from the 2015 Parliament for the World’s Religions? Action.
During a panel discussion, Karen Armstrong alluded to the same idea. “I am not sure we should call this assembly a ‘Parliament’, because a parliament actually legislates and does something.” It is no longer enough to talk about our problems. We must act, and act together. I couldn’t agree more. (From Spokane FAVS)
Read More at: https://spokanefavs.com/what-parliament-was-missing-action/